
Discover the Coho story

Our story

I imagined Coho in 2017. I wanted to offer a solution to riders allowing them to have access to their horses, so that they can ensure their well-being and good health wherever they are and at any time.

After several months of development, we joined the SATT Linksium business incubator and the TARMAC business incubator. The Animalinks company was created in February 2018 in Grenoble.
We launched an in-depth market study in order to clearly identify the precise expectations of riders. In parallel, an important period of R&D and several technological pivots allowed us to focus on the expectations of our future customers while solving the technical constraints imposed by the environment of use (simplified installation, portable camera, etc.).

This led to us offering Coho at the end of 2019 in the form of Early Access, so that the first pilot customers could experience our solution under real conditions of use. We then got our first practical and very positive feedback from the field. The enthusiasm of these users has encouraged us to offer our customers a completed product from the beginning of 2020. At the same time, we started the development of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) in order to offer new functionalities based on the AI analysis of the behavior of the horse in the stall. With the first results of the AI analysis we were already able to offer a first version with these functionalities. These developments evolved into comprehensive analyzes to improve the horse’s well-being and the implementation of health alerts in partnership with research organizations.

The year 2022 was marked by a major fund-raising operation with the Coopventure investment fund. As a result, sales of Coho cameras increased to equip more and more horses. A milestone was reached in 2023 when the French equestrian teams purchased our cameras to equip their horses for the Olympic Games.

Since early 2024, Coho is now part of the Gallagher Europe B.V. group also known for producing BirthAlarm and other solutions for horses, such as electric fencing.

Sebastien Dubois, founder of Coho
“Horserider and Electronic Engineer”

Coho cheval box écurie

They trust us and participate in the development of Coho

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